Today is National Disc Jockey (DJ) Day
January 20th is National Disc Jockey Day, and I decided to use today to thank all of the people that I have worked with and had positive influences on me. I wouldn't be here without these people and I can not thank them enough.
- Jenn/Kelsey/Joe/Sammy Jo/Stephanie/Chris/Collin/Rob and the rest of the promotions and sales teams that I had the pleasure to work with at my old job in Kansas City - The promotions department was where my radio journey began. Jenn was the first person to ever hire me in radio. We have all been through it all together. From remotes, concerts, and everything else we did, I formed a very strong bond with all of them. We are all one big family, and we even had our sibling arguments. I wouldn't have traded anyone in that group for anything in the world.
- Wes Poe - Wes was the first program director I had. Wes helped me realize that radio is what I wanted to do for a living. He trusted me enough to give me my first job in radio production as a morning show producer and guided me down the path to help me get my first on air job here in Bozeman. He gave me some of the best advice that I will carry with me forever.
- Roger Carson and Codie Allen - Roger and Codie were the hosts of the morning show I produced. Roger, Codie, and I formed a very strong bond. It felt more like family that it did coworkers. They were intricate roles in teaching me everything I know today and have been a great support system. I still reach out to them on advice!
- Leigh McNabb and Mike Wickett - I met Leigh and Mike during the summer of 2015. In the short time I have known them, they have made major impacts on not only my professional life, but my personal life. Leigh recently moved to Kansas City to be a program director for The Point. As I was searching for my first "big break" in radio, Leigh was adamant that I put her as a reference and we talked every day about radio jobs and life. Mike, Leigh's boyfriend who currently lives in Milwaukee and hosts a morning sports talk show, was also a major support for me. I could call him anytime for anything, and he would encourage me to do everything I could to make it in this industry. Becoming close with Leigh and Mike was one of the best decisions I have made in the past year.
- Shotgun Jaxon - Shotgun has one of the most brilliant radio minds I have had the pleasure to work with. Shotgun was always open to teach me anything I wanted to learn. From production to programming, i don't think anyone else can complete with the amount of knowledge has has to share.
- Joe Matthews - Joe is a part time DJ that I got to know very well over the past couple of years. I would listen to him on the weekends, and would be blown away with the excitement and energy he brought to radio. He was also a great person to talk about life with, because he gives some of the best advice on life and work.
- Tony Lorino/Kelly Urich/Nycki Pace - This was the staff at The Point when I first started working at my old station. Tony was a great leader and still helps me to this day if I need any advice. Kelly and Nycki are always great to be around, and I hope to mirror their enthusiasm for radio.
- Hartzell and the rest of The Buzz team - Hartzell and I started off in radio together in the spring of 2013. Hartzell has been one of my best friends for about ten years now. We push each other each and every day to be the best we can be, both professionally and personally. He was the first person I called when I was offered my job here at XL Country. His first words were "YOU HVE TO TAKE THIS JOB!". That was the one time, in our 10 year friendship, that I actually took his advice The buzz will always be special to me, because they were the first station to ever put me on air. Danny Boi, Afentra, Mark, Jeriney, Lazlo, Slimfast, and Spencer have all had a great impact on my radio career.
- My current staff here at Townsquare Media - Last, but most definitely not least, my current co workers here in Bozeman. They believed in me enough to give me my "big break" in radio. I am constantly learning from this amazing group of individuals. I have already formed some great bonds with everyone here and can not thank all of them enough for being so welcoming as I join the Townsquare family. I know I made the right decision of coming to Bozeman based off of everyone here alone.
If I missed anyone, I apologize. Thank you again, all of you, for the impact you have made on my life personally and professionally. I wouldn't be here without any of you. HAPPY NATIONAL DJ DAY TO YOU ALL!
As always, you can let me know your thoughts on our Facebook page, tweet me @JoeXLCountry or @XLCountry1007, or email me at