If you find yourself traveling one of the many backroads here in Montana and comes across an old boot on a fence post, here's why you don't want to touch it.
This might be the most "Montana" festival we've ever heard of, and it's happening June 23rd through 25th. Celebrating ranching and land stewardship, the weekend will be packed with Americana music, expert guest speakers, vendors, and chef curated wood-fired food in Helmville, Montana.
With 7.16 people per square mile, Montana DOES have more cows than people. Farming and ranching is still incredibly important across the entire state. (We've got 2.51 cattle per person, BTW.)
Agriculture is the biggest industry in the state of Montana. Today we celebrate National Ag Day by looking at what Montana farmers and ranchers produce.
As you know, housing is hard to come by here in Bozeman, so as we wait for our apartment to be ready next week, I've been here while my wife and our two dogs are back in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Which means, that I've kind of just gone to work and then to where I'm staying and that's really about it...
Cooper, was born Frank James Cooper in Helena back in May of 1901. His parents came from England and had settled here in Montana. His father bought a ranch and Cooper would spend his summers on the ranch doing "cowboy" stuff, which would no doubt come in handy when we would later start in some major Westerns.