There are lots of new things coming this year to the Montana Lottery and the number of winners for Montana Millionaire will be greater this year than last.
I joked for a long time that I should move to Great Falls or Billings because that's where it seemed all of Montana's big lottery winners were buying their tickets. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. One Montana town is selling decently big winning tickets every week now.
With the Powerball at over a billion dollars, we asked Montanans what is something expensive they would buy if they won. Their answers might surprise you.
We often joke that Bozeman tends to be a black hole for "high tier" Montana Lottery winners, but that streak was broken this month as as Bozeman got a lucky winner of $75K. (A 'high tier' winner is a prize of more than $600.)
We often joke that nobody from Montana ever hits the lottery. That's not entirely true. That little state game called Montana Cash? Somebody from Monarch just won a huge jackpot of nearly one million dollars.
Well, for starters, for 25 million you can buy your own town. Yep. A whole town, just for you. The actual price is 25,525,000...but what's half a million dollars when you are worth over a quarter of a billion, right?