Let me start out by saying this article has nothing to do with Bozeman. Nor does it have anything to do with Montana. Although it does have to do with a Bear...kind of.
Asking our kids questions is so important. A local nurse and I had a conversation about how well we know our kiddos. So, I started with the basics. You can too
If you're a parent, you've probably been there. You're out, your kid has a "blowout" and you're caught totally unprepared. Someone in Bozeman totally gets it. That's why she felt compelled to leave a care package at the Smith's grocery store to help other mamas stuck in the same situation.
Moms are notorious for making delicious home-cooked meals. One of the things I've missed most since I moved to Montana is my mom's cooking.
My parents were in town over the weekend. They left this morning, and I honestly haven't missed home this much since I moved here...
A selfless mother has died to save her unborn baby.
The woman was diagnosed with a life-threatening form of cancer and refused chemotherapy so that her child could be born, even though it meant she would die.