Last week some freshman at Belgrade High School were upset after being sent home because of dress code violations. You can read Belgrade's Dress Code policy below. Our poll question is: Do you believe schools should even have a dress code?

Belgrade Student Dress Code

  • No clothing, hats, or head covers that may cause a disruption or distraction of the educational process of school is allowed. (Examples may include, but not limited to clothing that displays drug, alcohol, tobacco, sexual innuendos (including message bracelets), inappropriate slogans, weapons, pictures or logo references (i.e., Hooters, Big Johnson, or 4:20).
  • No sunglasses, chains, or bandanas (unless used to keep hair back).
  • No bare midriffs, no cleavage showing, or spaghetti straps. Straps must be worn and must be 1” wide.
  • Shirts must hang past the waistband of pants with your hands in the air.
  • Shoes are required at all times.
  • All under garments must be covered at all times.
  • Skirts/pants/shorts must remain up on own or with a belt. Hemlines must reach below the students’ longest finger when shoulders hang loose.
  • Students with attire deemed inappropriate by a staff member/administrator will be sent to the office with a violation slip and asked to immediately correct the problem.
  • All uniforms worn during the school day must meet dress code.



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