XL Country wants you to have a blast tonight!  Please don't drink and drive.  There's truly no excuse for doing so, especially with Tipsy Tow.  Elite Towing will come and get you, and actually tow your car home for you.  

Anyone can call Elite Towing at 586-7306 for a free tow within a 10 mile radius of the pick up location in the Bozeman city limits.  If you're not in the Bozeman City limits, call 1-800-AAA-HELP (222-4357) for a ride home.

I have lost a friend to a drunk driver.  I know good people who's lives were ruined because of that decision to drive while impaired.  They killed someone, and their lives haven't been the same since.

There has to be someone you can call, or catch a ride with if you drink too much tonight, or any night.  Please be careful out there, and Happy New Year!!!


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