Well, that's certainly one way to multitask while at a baseball game.

Minor League Baseball has introduced the Munchie Mitt, an all-in-one baseball glove meant to hold your hot dog, condiments and even a drink.

But, why?

What Is The Munchie Mitt?

Minor League Baseball recently introduced the Munchie Mitt with a video on social media that was made to look like a parody commercial. There was little information provided about the glove other than what it does.

The glove, which mostly looks like what you'd see see on the field during a baseball game, has been modified to include holders for a hot dog along with bottles of mustard and ketchup.

The hot dog holder even includes a slider that allows you to easily slide it out of the glove to eat. The opposite side has a drink container topped off with a long straw.

In videos shared on social media, the Munchie Mitt was being pushed as a way to enjoy your favorite ballpark refreshments while also still being able to catch a ball in your glove.

Social Media Doesn't Miss With Its Munchie Mitt Reactions

If the Munchie Mitt was designed to create buzz on social media, Minor League Baseball certainly accomplished its mission.

"Sounds like a pothead named it. I like it," Ethan Wenger commented on Instagram.

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Shawn Womack believes the Munchie Mitt will rob us of future viral videos of dads trying to catch home run balls.

"The beauty of the videos with dads holding their babies, a beer and catching a ball are top tier. Or using the beer to catch the ball. This takes the magic away.," Womack commented.

Is The Munchie Mitt Real?

After doing some digging, baseball fans are finding out the Munchie Mitt is actually real. Minor League Baseball is giving away Munchie Mitts to five lucky fans.

"Because no one should have to choose between catching a ball and downing a dog, we give you The Munchie Mitt: The world's first hot dog dispensing, mustard embellishing, ketchup clasping, cold beverage clutching baseball glove," Minor League Baseball states on its website.

Registration is open on the website through Aug. 30.

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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