Heroes & Horses to Host 3-Day Marathon
Heroes and Horses is hosting a virtual walk/run on September 6-8, 2020. Participants will run or walk a 26.2 mile marathon to support Heroes and Horses and the veterans they serve.
Runners and walkers can:
- Complete the marathon at one time.
- Spread the marathon out over three days by completing 8-miles each day.
- Form a team of 3-people and pool your 26.2 miles together to equal 26.2 miles.
Early-bird registration is thru July 24th. Entry fee is $25 and registrants will have a choice of a complimentary custom event t-shirt or water bottle.
Regular registration is July 24 - August 31.Entry fee is $35.
Prizes will be awarded to:
- Top 3 individuals with fastest time completing 26.2 mile marathon
- Top 3 individuals who raise most money by 11:59 p.m. on September 8th.
Heroes and Horses fundraising goal for the marathon is to collectively raise $250,000 to go towards supporting their mission of offering combat veterans an alternative solution for defining and approaching their physical and mental scars. They are encouraging each participant to set a personal goal of raising, at least, $250.
Participants are more than welcome to complete their marathon either virtually or in-person (adhering to any social-distancing protocol outlined by the CDC at that time) on that day. Time of race and route to be announced.
Here's What You Need to Do:
- Get Registered
- Choose a Fundraising Goal & Date
- Share Your "Why." Participants will be asked to share why they are participating in this event (pushing themselves, conquering a goal, or connecting with other, etc).
- Join Race Facebook Group
- Start Fundraising
- Get Moving