Dave Did Something Today He’s Never Done in 30 Years of Radio
Today was a first for me. When you've been in the radio business for nearly 30 years, there are not many things that you haven't done. I've had people lick other people's feet for concert tickets. I've broadcast live from listener's kitchen tables and fair rides. I even had a water-drinking contest once with a co-host to see who could drink the most water during a four-hour show. I was young and had no idea it could kill me--we had a lot of nurses and doctors calling us to tell us to stop--but if I won, I was going to get a date with a San Francisco 49er cheerleader. At that time, it was worth the risk. I won the bet, but never got the date.
This morning, though, I was able to do something that I have never done in my career. I had my kindergarten-aged son sit in on the show with me. That was pretty cool. Sort of like Forrest Gump's chocolate, you never know what you're going to get with a first-time radio guest. And that is especially true when the guest is five years old.
I have to say, Super James was terrific. He was funny, he was upbeat, and for someone who's never been on the radio before, he exhibited great mic technique. That's crucial for a radio guest, and adults far older than him have struggled mightily with positioning themselves close to the mic so the audience can hear them. James did it like he had been doing it all his life.
As with all performances, you must face your critics. Here are the early reviews from this morning's show.
Great job today Super James!! - Cathy
Hey Super James you rocked it this morning. - Dave
Was so fun to listen to him today... I think He should be on every Friday!!!!! Cute little guy. Phyllis
Thanks to everyone for the kind emails and app chats we received during and after the show this morning. They made his dad proud.
As we were pulling out of the parking lot for a post-show breakfast at IHOP (his reward), James said with a big smile, "That was fun! When do I get to do it again?"