We are still looking for a winner in our Kenyon Noble Secret Sound contest. As of right now, we have $1,625 in the Kenyon Noble Secret Sound Jackpot. Dave & Ally want to give away the money, like yesterday, so they're going to help you out on Wednesday during the XL Morning Show.

Here's How

If they don't get a winner Wednesday morning at 6:40, they're going to open up the phone lines for you to ask questions until they play secret sound again at 7:40 a.m..


Here are the perimeters for your questions:

  • You can't ask what the secret sound is
  • If you have a question about the sound itself, it must be a yes or no question.
  • If your question deals with the contest, you can ask a general question

They will try and answer as many questions as they can at 406.582.1061.

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