Teen Suicides In New York and Wyoming – Bullying To Blame
I heard of two more deaths from bullying. One in New York, where a young woman threw herself in front of a bus with a suicide note.
Another in Wyoming, where a young man decided it was easier to end his life than go back to school and face his tormenters.
Bullies have been around forever, I know adult bullies. I remember being afraid to go to school when I was in junior high, because an older girl told me she was going to kill me if I looked at her.
My kids have been bullied. We discuss how to handle it. I contacted the school, but they can only do so much. I finally told Emma that if this certain boy hit her again to push him as hard as she could. Our rule, never hit first, but you don't have to let someone attack you, even at school. I even told her I would go into school and tell them I told her to protect herself.
EVERYONE has been bullied. Bullying, unfortunately, will never end. I guess my question is, where are the parents of these bullies? I think that's where we need to start. Plus, a zero tolerance policy at our schools.
Do you think bullying is taken seriously enough? What are your solutions to the problem?
Click below for more information on bullying.