Vote Now for Bozeman’s Best Dog Round 1
We asked you to nominate the best dog in Bozeman and you didn't let us down. Here are all the candidates and we need you to vote for your favorite! The top ten from this round will move on to the final round, so every vote counts. The winner will receive a basket of goodies valued at $200 from Bridger Animal Nutrition AND an Invisible Fence Brand Doorman Electronic Pet Door from Invisible Fence of Big Sky (includes the door, 1 collar, and professional installation).
You can vote once per day until noon on September 22. The final round with the top ten dogs will launch on Monday, September 26 and last through noon on September 29.
Remember, standard contest rules apply. We are not responsible for late entries or entries with broken file links, etc. By entering this contest you agreed to allow this station to use your name and photo on our sites, social media, etc.
Good luck and get voting!