2017 Cleanup Bozeman Day April 22nd (But You Can Do It Any Time)
I always get frustrated when I see litter, sometimes even right next to a trash can! And I usually end up picking it up. You can help clean up our community, with a free kit to help you get started.
Register now at www.bozeman.net/CleanUpDay as a group or individual, choose an area you would like to clean up (or one will be assigned to you), and you can even pick up your clean-up kit early, if you like. Then you and/or your group can decide when you'd like to do your cleanup.
The event kicks off officially April 22nd at the Bozeman Public Library, with registration at 8 a.m. (with coffee and snacks), an official welcome from Mayor Taylor at 8:30, and cleanup starting at 9 a.m. But if you can't make it to the kickoff, you can stop by between 8 a.m. and noon to get your free cleanup kit (with gloves, vests, and bags for trash collection).
As a registered participant, you'll also get a complimentary reusable tote bag with coupons, flyers, and giveaways. Let's join forces to clean up our beautiful city!!
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