Every Wednesday in August, the Bozeman Police Department is hosting tours of all city spaces at the Law & Justice Center. Tours are at 5:15 p.m. and all ages are invited.

The tours are a part of a united effort by the City of Bozeman to continue education about the Bozeman Public Safety Center (BPSC.) Should the bond for construction of the BPSC pass at the November election the Police Department would relocate from their existing space at the Law and Justice Center. The tours are an opportunity for members of the public to see the space the department currently operates out of and discuss with police department staff the challenges they face in the space as Bozeman grows.

Bozeman Police Chief Steve Crawford says, “Myself and staff members look forward to the opportunity to meet with community members and answer any questions they may have on the current building or the proposed project.”

The Law & Justice Center is located at 615 S 16th Ave in Bozeman. Tours last about 30 minutes.

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