
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
Seven Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Taxes
With tax day just around the corner, the IRS is readying itself to spot this year's round of tax evaders. Given the lack of impulse control and sense of entitlement among the celebrity set (we're looking at you, Charlie Sheen), it should be no surprise that the famous and the powerful are among the worst tax cheats out there. Here are seven celebrities who didn't pay the tax man, and ended up payi
The Unseen Taxes That You Pay Every Day
The Unseen Taxes That You Pay Every Day
The Unseen Taxes That You Pay Every Day
So the old joke says that nothing is certain in life but death and taxes.  It seems like taxes continue to go up and up, no matter who "promises" they won't in Washington, right? We pay tax on darn near everything... I found this story to help illustrate how the tax burden can be spread around, consider the "tax trail" on a few common daily items:
Obama Saves All Tax Payers Billions
Obama Saves All Tax Payers Billions
Obama Saves All Tax Payers Billions
Wow, we have been wasting billions of dollars in tax payers' money. Obama called for a detailed report to discover areas of spending that may be redundant or just plain dumb. What they found--546 such programs that fell into one of these categories. Even republicans are stating the obvious, " makes us all look like jackasses."
Tax Time – Are You Ready
Tax Time – Are You Ready
Tax Time – Are You Ready
Have you filed your income taxes yet? Getting anything back or do you have to pay?  I'm split in two again.  Not only federal, but this year I have to file Montana AND California state income tax! UGH!
Gotta Love An Extra Day
Gotta Love An Extra Day
Gotta Love An Extra Day
So this year we get an extra day (or 3!) to file our income taxes! YAY! Why? Because Friday the 15th is Emancipation Day, a little-known Washington, D.C., holiday that celebrates the freeing of slaves in the district. I've never been one to wait until the last day, but have several friends who do you?  This year should be pretty interesting for us tax wise.  Two jobs, two states, moving