WATCH: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty in Death of George FloydWATCH: Derek Chauvin Found Guilty in Death of George FloydA verdict has been reached in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin.Joe HyerJoe Hyer
Some Are Worried About Rally Planned For Bozeman FridaySome Are Worried About Rally Planned For Bozeman FridayMany local residents are worried about violence happening at Friday's rally in Bozeman. There have also been many rumors circulating on social media about outside groups like Antifa coming in to cause a disturbance.Dave WootenDave Wooten
Photos of Sunday’s Protest in Downtown BozemanPhotos of Sunday’s Protest in Downtown BozemanAn estimated 2,000 people attended Sunday's protest in downtown Bozeman. Here are some photos of this event.SageSage