I have the greatest job. I work for MSU Extension in Gallatin County and plan events for 4-H. I work on two grants-One provides services and programs for youth with a loved one in the military and the other for youth in a one-on-one mentoring relationship. I have three great events going on this summer for kids and they are completly FREE.

Operation: Military Kids Camps

Having a Grizzly Day? Dealing with the Emotions of Deployment
Join Operation: Military Kids and 4-H for a guided tour of West  Yellowstone’s Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. Together we will explore the complex emotions of these wild animals and help relate their behaviors to our own. The tour will show youth  that these animals are versatile in their emotions and can adapt to challenging situations. Youth, ages 5-9, will learn how to apply this knowledge when dealing with a loved one’s deployment by building positive peer groups! This camp leaves from the Belgrade Extension Office at 8am on Wednesday July, 27th and will return by 6pm.

Teen Leadership Camp: Promoting Resiliency within a Teen Military Community
Augst 9th through August 11th military teens, ages 13-18, will work together to overcome differences and create a common bond. They will do this through a variety of  team building activities including high and low ropes courses, climbing tower, and a zip line. Teens will create a radio PSA using the Mobile Techonology Lab to express the importance of postive peer groups and promoting resieliency.

Montana 4-H Mentoring Partnership Program: Summer Workshop Series

Youth involved in this program will be enrolled as a mentee through partnering mentorship organizations. They will have the opportunity to attend scheduled 4-H activities which may include topics such as cooking,
robotics, wind energy, bicycle maintenance, gardening, and many more. In addition, families will be invited to participate in Family Night Out events which will help build positive relationships by engaging in structured activities and will include a free family dinner. If your child is in a mentoring relationship through Big Brothers Big Sisters or CAP/Thrive please consider enrolling them in one or all of the following FREE summer workshops. You are also invited to attend the two Family Night Out Events which are also FREE for immediate family!

July 12th: Gardening    3:30-5:30
Have you ever grown basil in an old boot?   Or parsley in a purse?  Join us on a re-purposing adventure using old items as pots to plant herbs! Take home your creations.

July 19th: Fair Tour 3:30-5:30   Family Night Out   5:30-7:30
Learn how you can participate in our County Fair. You will rotate through four stations  (leather craft key chains, quilting a post card, robotics, and the rabbit/poultry barn with rabbit origami) and meet current
4-Hers preparing for Fair. Your family will join us after our tour for a good old fashioned Bar-B-Que.

July 26th: Photography    3:30-5:30
In this “Eye on Nature” photography workshop you will capture images, print photos, and decorate a frame with treasures you find outside.

August 2nd: Woodworking   3:30-5:30
Do you know what birds live in Bozeman? Do you like using tools to build things?  Together we’ll learn about the bird species of our area and build special bird houses to fit their specific needs.

August 9th: GPS Scavenger Hunt    3:30-5:30
Have you ever found yourself asking “Where am I going?” With the help of GPS technology, you will be able to answer this question and find hidden treasures along the way.

August 16th: Dutch Oven Cooking 3:30-5:30   Family Night Out     5:30-7:30
Are you hungry yet? Learn how to cook Peach Cobbler, Campfire Potatoes,  Chicken and Dumplings, and other classic Dutch Oven dishes. Share this meal with your family later at the Family Night Out.

Dutch Oven Cooking




Please feel free to contact me for a registration packet or more information!!!

JoLynn Miller
4-H Military Program Coordinator
Montana 4-H Mentoring Partnership Program Site Coordinator
Gallatin County MSU Extension
201 West Madison, Ste. 300
Belgrade, MT 59714
Tel     406-388-3213
Fax    406-388-3243

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national
origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and
June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Douglas L. Steele, Vice President of External Relations and Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717




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