Bozeman Police Calls For Service Now Available Online
Want to know what calls our Bozeman Police Department are going on? Now you can find out online.
The Bozeman Police Department has launched a new online portal for members of the public to view calls for service for the department. The portal shows calls from the previous day, last two days, last week and last month, as well as breaking calls down to the nearest intersection and category of call. This new portal is a part of the Police Department’s mission to be transparent and accountable in their work.
Deputy Police Chief Jim Veltkamp says, “The Bozeman Police Department is committed to serving our community with integrity. We aim to be as transparent as possible and the portal has been something that our community has wanted. This has been a multi-department effort to bring it to the public.”
The portal is designed, created, and maintained through a collaborative effort between the City’s Strategic Services department as well as the Bozeman Police Department.
Veltkamp also says, “Bozeman remains the safest large city in Montana and we are proud of that fact. Our department works hard every day to keep our community safe. This portal shows that data behind that work.”
The Bozeman Police Department Calls for Service portal can be found online at