I’ve been the host of "Open for Business," a business and consumer talk show on KMMS since 2004. I’m the author of "How to Market, Advertise and Promote Your Business or Service In Your Own Backyard" (Wiley), and "The Small Town Advertising Handbook: How to Say More and Spend Less," and "How to Market, Advertise and Promote Your Business or Service In A Small Town.” All Available on Amazon. One of my books has been a textbook at the University of Alaska and Missouri State University. I’ve appeared on MSNBC's "Your Business" with JJ Ramberg, featured in Costco Connection Magazine (twice), Target Market Magazine, Emerging Business, Business Adviser, and magazines in China, India and Turkey. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Call the show at (406) 522-8255 – Text (406) 478-8298 Email me at tom@kmmsam.com "Open for Business" Past Shows: https://kmmsam.com/open-for-business-re-broadcasts-with-tom-shane/
Tom Egelhoff
[POLL] Should Rural Montana Schools Have Armed Guards?
The Montana Legislature is considering a bill to arm teachers or volunteers to protect school children in case of an armed assault. Is this a good idea?
[POLL] How Much Should You Tip A Waitperson?
We all want good service but we don't always get it. Do you tip no matter what level of service? Vote in today's poll.
Three Forks High School Earns Prestigious National Charter Status
Congratulations to Three Forks High School for their continuing efforts to provide the best possible educational opportunities to their students.
Sticker Shock of Three New Taxes Coming To Bozeman Residents
City Commissioner Jeff Krauss talks about three taxes that Bozeman residents can expect to be hit with in the near future.
City Commission Sued Over Public Safety Center Bond Issue
The complaint claims that the City Commission illegally created two registered political committees for the express purpose of influencing the outcome of the bond issue election.
Could You Pass A Citizenship Test?
While most citizenship test respondents knew the causes of the Civil War, two percent thought it was climate change. You can’t make this up.
Totally Useless Facts That Will Make You Sound Smart
Every so often I come across information that is totally meaningless yet it will make you sound brilliant if you recite it to your daily contacts.
New McDonald’s Breakfast Sandwich Coming November 1
What do customers really want? Low price or more food per serving I guess McDonald’s is willing to roll the dice to find out.
Will You Stop Using Google?
There is a video of a Google get together after the election that shows Google’s upper echelon’s disappointment in the result of a Trump Election.
Bozeman City Commission And Livable Wage
In the public sector everything is based on the tax base collections. The more you collect you can either hire more at lower wages or fewer at higher wages.
Are Facebook Battles Worth It?
Facebook has confirmed that those I used to know who had no political views now have unbending, etched in stone, you’re an idiot, political points of view.
What Memorial Day Means To Me
Memorial Day is a hard day for many but the memories of those closest to us need to be kept alive. We celebrate who they were — not what we lost.