It's your man, DJ Nyke. Yes, it's pronounced like the shoe. Long story short, it's a nickname I got stuck with during my tenure in the U.S. Marine Corps. I have learned through study, my moniker actually means victory, so I guess that's a win (see what I did there?). I have four children that I love very much. I have 3 boys and a girl. Other than family, my hobbies are all things comic book related and all things music. Oh, and I'm a pretty big movie buff with quite the profuse collection. I guess there's nothing left to say except: Transformers... roll-out!!! Or maybe: Wu-Tang is forever!!!
DJ Nyke
National Park Service Shares Hilarious, But Accurate ‘Bear Attack: Dos & Don’ts’ List
The average Wyomingite inherently knows to leave our wildlife alone, especially the larger, carnivorous animals like bears. Unfortunately, a lot of our countrymen don't share that level of common sense.
WATCH: Black Bear Chases Mountain Biker Through Trail in Montana
While we love seeing the cute bear interactions, like these two cubs that playfully entered a nursing home recently in North Carolina, not all bear/human encounters are that peaceful.