Danny Gallagher
Chinese Card Thrower Wants to Break World Record for Cucumber Slicing
This isn’t a still from the newest X-Men movie, it’s the handiwork of a man who hopes to slice a record number of veggies using only a handful of everyday playing cards.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.
US Spends Most on Health Care Per Person Among Industrialized Nations — Dollars and Sense
Anyone in America who has gotten a medical bill for a CAT scan or an MRI might feel like they are paying some of the highest medical costs on the planet. That’s not an exaggeration.
DogTV Is the New Cable Channel Dogs (and Dog Lovers) Actually Want to Watch
It seems that television is only catering to younger demographics, but one cable channel hopes to tap into a new group of TV enthusiasts by becoming the first network to provide wall-to-wall programming for — wait for it — dogs.
10 Surprises in the Newly-Released 1940s Census Data
The census data released from the 1940s recently released by the National Archives and Records Administration had a lot of interesting information, according to people who didn’t immediately fall asleep while trying to read the darn thing.
Japan Lives Hard With Soft Serve Beer
Summer is just around the corner and thanks to climate change, we’re looking at a scorcher. With the heat turned up, there are ton of ways one can stay cool but the best and simplest way is to just crack open a nice cold beer. Leave it to Japan to make that weird.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Easter
As far as holidays go, Easter might not be as popular as Christmas or Halloween, but it still has traditions and treats that can raise anyone’s spirit, mood or blood sugar level.
The most interesting part of this annual celebration of Spring and rebirth is the supposed difference in the ways they are celebrated.
Woman Claims She Saw Jesus While Watching ‘The Bachelor’
Jesus is everywhere these days. He’s appeared on potato chips, an old rocking chair and even on a wet sock. Now it appears Jesus made a special guest spot on a woman’s television, and it wasn’t during a re-airing of Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ.’
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Leprechauns
Few icons from folklore and mythology have been branded and co-opted more than the leprechaun. Stories of their rare appearances and coveted pot of gold have permeated almost every aspect of popular culture. They have become so synonymous with Irish culture that the streets are filled with tall green hats and green coats every St. Patrick’s Day. Their history, however, is far different from the tr
10 Signs You Are Too Excited About St. Patrick’s Day
There are few holidays that create more excitement and festiveness than St. Patrick’s Day. All over the country, people crowd the local pub in green clothes where they guzzle a ton of green beer, only to puke it back out in a green mess and wake up the next day in a green haze.
Of course, just like the crazy uncle in your family who thinks he’s Santa Claus in July, some people can take a good th
LSD Is the New Cure For Alcoholism?
Alcoholism isn’t something that should be laughed at, but a possible cure could make at least the patient giggle — it’s LSD.
10 Signs You Are Working Too Much
The working class is being stretched thinner than a pair of Capri pants on the guy who plays Mike on ‘Mike & Molly.’ If hiring doesn’t start soon, employees are going to suffer a full-on breakdown that could grind the workforce to a halt.