
Locals Give Horrible Advice About When To Arrive At The Bozeman Airport
Locals Give Horrible Advice About When To Arrive At The Bozeman Airport
Locals Give Horrible Advice About When To Arrive At The Bozeman Airport
If you're in the mood to miss your flight out of Bozeman or sit around the gate area for an extra 45 minutes before your flight - ask a local what time you should show up at the airport. There's a very decent chance they'll give you crappy, non-detailed, and not particularly accurate advice.
Is TSA Going Too Far?
Is TSA Going Too Far?
Is TSA Going Too Far?
I honestly don't know how I would feel about this.  Kind of an "in the moment thing." The Transportation Security Administration is defending security screeners at Kansas City International Airport who were captured on cellphone video Saturday  patting-down a baby who appeared to be less than a year old...