northwestern energy

Maintain Your Water Heater For Energy And Money Savings [SPONSORED]
Maintain Your Water Heater For Energy And Money Savings [SPONSORED]
Maintain Your Water Heater For Energy And Money Savings [SPONSORED]
Your water heater... I swear mine decides when IT wants to heat up the water all the way.  Luckily my house is fairly new and I don't have many issues.  However I don't drain any water from the bottom of my tank... I guess there are more things than I thought when it come to the hot water heater!  Check out some more energy saving tips from NorthWestern Energy.
Energy Saving Tips For Your Fridge. [SPONSORED]
Energy Saving Tips For Your Fridge. [SPONSORED]
Energy Saving Tips For Your Fridge. [SPONSORED]
There are so many ways you can save a little energy and money just by using a few pointers!  REading these Tips from Northwestern Energy has made me realize my stand up freezer in my garage that is 30 years old might not be costing me a lot of money.  So read up on these tips and see if you can save some money and a little energy.

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