With the possibility of high winds and downed power lines, Montana's NorthWestern Energy is discussing planned power outages during the hottest temps of the year.
We sort of knew it was coming, right? We knew heavy, wet snow was on the way and most of our trees have not yet lost their leaves. That's a dangerous combination in Montana.
Very simple. Don't allow your doors to fall into disrepair to the point where the outside crawls in! Huge power bill? Get a free energy audit from NorthWestern Energy. Here's how:
It's hard to think that an Energy Company wants to help you save energy! Well that's what NorthWestern Energy is all about. Saving energy whenever possible. Check out the latest installment of energy saving tips from NW Energy.
Your water heater... I swear mine decides when IT wants to heat up the water all the way. Luckily my house is fairly new and I don't have many issues. However I don't drain any water from the bottom of my tank... I guess there are more things than I thought when it come to the hot water heater! Check out some more energy saving tips from NorthWestern Energy.
There are so many ways you can save a little energy and money just by using a few pointers! REading these Tips from Northwestern Energy has made me realize my stand up freezer in my garage that is 30 years old might not be costing me a lot of money. So read up on these tips and see if you can save some money and a little energy.