Yesterday, May 7, 2013, at about 6:15 PM, the Deputy Coroner on call was dispatched to Church Avenue in Bozeman.
A 13-year-old boy had found dead man in the Sourdough Creek.
In the early morning hours on Sunday, August 19th, 2012, at the Gallatin County Coroner’s office responded to a death that occurred at Grand and Main in the city limits of Bozeman. It happened around 4am.
His real name was Ron Palillo, but he will always be known by Arnold Horshack from 'Welcome Back Kotter,' a show my sister and I never missed in the 1970's.
According to the L.A. County Coroner, the official cause of Whitney Houston's death has been listed as an accidental drowning. According to, the toxicology report also found that Whitney had cocaine in her system when she died, noting that heart disease and cocaine use were contributing factors in her death...