I'm always up for a great bargain and this year we are using the power of radio to sell your stuff. This garage sale will be organized on a Google map and you will be able to plot out where you want to go. All based on what's for sale. It's going to be an epic day of great deals and cleaned out garages! Find out how to sign up!
Looking to do a bunch of your Christmas Shopping today? Here’s a great link for everything from electronics, to toys, clothes, household stuff and more! HAPPY SHOPPING! CLICK HERE!
I am ALWAYS looking for good deals - here are a list of good ones for Labor Day! ~Erin
It's sad to realize that the season is winding down. But, indeed, Labor Day is here. That means a farewell to pool parties and summer hours — but heralds the arrival of the Labor Day holiday sales extravaganza, when many stores offer special discounts on summer clothing and accessories and end-of-season furn