United Blood Services supplies ALL of the blood to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. If you should need blood there, it came from UBS. Brave the cold to donate on Wednesday!
If you are in need of blood from Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, then United Blood Services is getting it for you. United Blood Services supplies all the blood to Bozeman Deaconess. That means you could help save up to three lives right here in the Gallatin Valley If you donate. Find out where you can save a life!
No one ever wants to go to the hospital...and I've spent more time there than I would like...but when you do have to go, it's nice to know you're in good hands!
Visitor restrictions are now in place at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital due to the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Children under the age of 12 are asked not to visit the hospital, as they are most susceptible to these viruses. RSV is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children.
No one expects a trip to the Emergency Room, but we sure are glad it’s there if and when we need it. Now your ER needs you. Join your fellow Southwest Montanans that have donated nearly $7.5 million towards this Bozeman Deaconess Hospital ER expansion. What do you expect today?
Bozeman Deaconess Foundation announced this week that recent gifts toward the Cornerstone Campaign to expand the Emergency Services Department at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital have raised total donations to $7-Million to date. Bozeman Deaconess Foundation’s goal is to raise $9 million of the $15 million required to build the new ER.
Bozeman Deaconess Foundation announced yesterday that it received another $1 million gift toward the Cornerstone Campaign to expand the Emergency Services Department at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. The total raised for this project is $6.3 million. Bozeman Deaconess Foundation’s goal is to raise $9 million of the $15 million required to build the new ER.