Behold, The Most Retweeted Tweets of 2015
In 2015, one boy band out-social media'd everyone else.
One Direction had five of the 10 most retweeted tweets of the year, including the number one overall, reports Twitter, using data from January 1 to November 10. What pithy words of wisdom did the band come up with that other users felt the need to share the most? It came from Harry Styles, who reached out to fans after Zayn Malik left the band for your most retweeted tweet of 2015.
The second-most retweeted tweet came from Malik himself, who showed there was no ill will with his bandmates after their song, "Drag Me Down," was released:
The most retweeted tweet without any affiliation from One Direction came courtesy of President Obama after the Supreme Court ruled for the legality of same-sex marriage. It was the fourth-most retweeted tweet of the year:
It was one of the highlights in the year that was on Twitter:
Here are the other (non-One Direction) top 10 retweeted tweets of the year:
6. Salman, the new king of Saudi Arabia, sent this Arabic message which roughly translates to "Dear people: more and deserve whatever you do will not recompense your right, ask God to help me and you on the debt service and the nation , and Atnsona the allegations.
8. Kanye West inspired in a way only Kanye West can.
9. Leonard Nimoy's final tweet before his death trended after he passed away.
10. Caitlyn Jenner's first tweet after she joined the social network sent off shock waves.
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