"I'm not looking for a fish today, I'm looking for "the fish."

Those are the words from a social media platform posted by a determined angler prior to embarking on a fishing trip with a mission. Was that mission accomplished? Oh, yes!


Daniel Caricaburu-Lundin, of Anchorage, Alaska, rocked not only a lake in the heart of Montana, but the fishing world, after catching a record-breaking 45.2-inch tiger muskie at Ackley Lake. The best part? He caught it using a lure he handcrafted himself!

Montana Fishing Reports
Image courtesy of Dan Caricabura-Lundin

Known for their size and appetite, tiger muskies are a sought-after hybrid, and Daniel had his eyes set on a record inspired by a fishing buddy.

Field and Stream tells us that after a fishing trip in New Mexico with a friend who held the previous record, Daniel returned to Montana determined to beat it. He even announced his ambitious goal on Facebook before heading out in mid-May of this year. In baseball lore, the equivalent of Babe Ruth pointing to the outfield area just before crushing another home run.

Daniel says he spotted the fish with a live scope shortly after launching his kayak.  and immediately tossed his 8-inch glide bait into the fish's line of sight. The bait (pictured) is one of several models he makes in his garage and sells through his small online shop, Click-Bait Customs.

Another angler happened to be driving by as Daniel hooked the fish. He helped hold it in the water while the measuring device was readied.


With the fish back in the Ackley Lake and plenty of photos and videos as proof of his catch, Daniel was assured by the International Game Fish Association that he'd properly recorded the measurements and it all looked good.

"And then I didn't hear another word out of them for about three months."

Confirmation of his all-tackle length record for tiger muskie didn't come until near the end of August. Daniel says he still had no idea it had been confirmed until some other people started seeing it listed as a new IGFA record and letting him know.

Montana fishing reports
Image courtesy of canva

And the best part for Daniel? "I was excited to get the record, but I think catching it on one of my own lures was the coolest part of the whole thing."

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Gallery Credit: Ryan Nelson

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