Maura Chwastyk
What US Cities are Most Obsessed with Beauty?
In your worst nightmares are you not only naked in the office, but not wearing makeup? Can you name over 50 different shades of red and have the lipsticks to prove it? Do you know all of the best products to thin your brows and plump your lips?
If you said yes to any of these questions, it might be because you live in one of the top 10 most beauty-obsessed cities, according to women’s magazine InS
Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Remember the kids who always sat in the front of the classroom, the ones who reminded the teacher when she forgot to hand out homework? Those kids grew up into adults who get their oil changed every 3,000 miles, visit the dentist every six months like clockwork and file their taxes as soon as they can.
Then there were the back of the class kids. They’re now the reasons dentists send those “we’ve m