We went to see Santa Claus at the mall last night with my parents.  My kids are 3, 6 and 8, and they aren't dumb.  They know sometimes it's Santa's helper at the mall and not the real Santa because he is so busy getting ready for Christmas.  Last night we were lucky. It was the REAL SANTA!  Matthew, the youngest, was so excited he could barely breathe.  Gracie, the 6 year old knew it was the real one because he was talking about his elves and knew her name.  Emma was in charge of writing the Christmas letter.  They have a little desk at the mall with paper and pen and you can make your complete list...Santa is going to be BROKE if they get everything on that list!  As I watched my kids trembling with delight, tears running down Grandma's face, and Grandpa watching with a huge smile on his face, I thought, how can you not believe in Santa?  I've never seen anything so real!

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