Fresh Start Health and Wellness
Phone: 406-219-3945
Address: 925 Highland Blvd #1130 Bozeman Montana 59715

Fresh Start Health and Wellness (FSH&W) is the fusion of a traditional western medical practice with an “alternative” and “integrative” medical approach focusing on patient-centered care. At FSH&W we promote health as a positive vitality not simply the absence of disease. Using the latest laboratory testing and diagnostic techniques, we focus on illness prevention and resolution through nutrition, diet, supplements, prescription drugs and/or botanical medicines, liver detoxification, hormonal balance, exercise, and stress management techniques.

Dr Aylor MD tailors treatments to address each individual’s unique needs. Acting as your medical coach he empowers each patient to take ownership of their own healing, be an active participant in their plans, and make sustained lifestyle changes to improve their overall health.

Expert Tips:

Exercising your body can also beef-up your brain!  Research shows that as little as 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a day increases levels of a crucial brain protein called BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) which is responsible for growth and repair of our brain cells.  Often called the "Miracle-Gro" for the brain, BDNF  plays a key role in how easily your brain can adapt to and learn how to effectively complete new challenges.  


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