Did you know the average work commute has only gone up about three minutes in the past 50 years?

But the average DISTANCE traveled has gone up. In the '60s, about 10% of people could walk to work. Now only about 3% can. Check out seven more ways the average American's life has changed in the past 50 years.

1. We Watch a Lot More TV. Which you probably assumed already, but here are the numbers.

In 1962, the average household watched a total of 5 hours and 6 minutes of TV each day. And by 2012, it was 8 hours and 31 minutes. So in 50 years, it went up about 67% percent.

2. We're More Likely to Live with Our Parents After We Turn 18. In 1960, 13% of young adults were still living at home. Today, it's up to 24%.

3. We Spend More Years of Our Life Single. Or in other words, people wait longer to get married, which you probably knew. In 1960, 72% of all adults were hitched. But by 2010, it had fallen to 51%.

4. We're Less Likely to Smoke Cigarettes, but More Likely to Smoke Pot. Today, 23% of men over the age of 18 smoke cigarettes, compared to a whopping 54% in the mid-60's. But in 1969, only 4% of adults said they'd tried marijuana, compared to 48% now.

5. Men Are Doing More Housework, and Women Are Doing Less. In 1965, women averaged 28 hours of housework per week, and men only averaged FOUR. Today, the average woman does 15, and the average guy does nine.

So, housework for men has more than doubled, and housework for women has almost been cut in half. But women STILL do more.

6. Men Work Ten Fewer Hours Per Week, and Women Work Ten More. In 1965, the average guy worked 45 hours a week, and women worked 15 hours. Today, it's dropped to 35 hours for men, and increased to 25 hours for women.

7. We're Much More Likely to Elect a Female President. In 1963, 55% of people said that if their party nominated a well-qualified woman for president, they'd vote for her. A poll from 2007 . . . when Hillary Clinton ran . . . showed that 88% would.

(Source:  Buzzfeed)



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