What is frosting? Frosting is a photo trend just like Tebowing or Planking except this one is limited to those lucky people surrounded by snow. Coined by Montanans, frosting involves taking a photo of yourself looking casual while doing warm weather things in the snow. See some examples inside. Warning frosters prefer to not wear much in the cold.

Missoula saw a lot of snow over the past week and had a hoot of a time frosting themselves out in the cold. The originator of the trend is John Brownell of Missoula. As the Frosters Anonymous' Facebook page explains, Brownell posted a photo of himself enjoying a read through of a Playboy magazine while sitting at his snow covered patio table in a bath robe. The photos are ridiculously fun to browse through and guarantee to bring a smile to your face. Even if we don't have the snow in Bozeman that they have in Missoula, I can get behind this Frosting trend.

When the snow does fall in Bozeman, head over to the Frosting Anonymous Facebook page and share your frosting photos.

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