I went to Bikram Yoga Bozeman yesterday.  First time ever.  I haven't done much exercising since I had surgery 3 months ago, and I heard that Bikram gets you into shape pretty fast. 

I won't lie, I was worried about the heat.  I fall apart when I get too hot.  So, if this is something you've been thinking about trying, let me shoot you straight!

They know what they are doing at Bikram Yoga Bozeman.  The instructor told me my goal was to stay in the room the entire 90 minutes.  I did it!

There were a couple of times I started to feel overwhelmed.  I got into rest position and concentrated on my breathing and felt better in moments.

I have never sweat so much in my life.  I also haven't felt such a feeling of accomplishment in a while.  The thing I like about yoga is that anyone can do it.  It doesn't matter if you are a highly trained athlete or...someone like me! I felt so good after class.

I'm going back.  Oh, almost forgot!  Bring a plastic bag to put your workout clothes in.  They will be soaking wet.  Bring two towels.  One for class, and one for after your shower.  I am not a gym shower-er, but there was no way I could go without one after class.

You need a yoga mat, and deodorant.

Also, bring some water in a good insulated container.

Good luck!  Seize The Deal!

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