Over the past few weeks we've all learned more than we probably care to know about Bozeman's fuzzy, little acquisition, the Lenco BearCat (see video). BearCat is an acronym, standing for Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck. We have one and we're keeping it.

But in August, if you asked anybody on the street in Bozeman, 'What's a Bearcat?' Only your zoologist friend would have answered, 'A Binturong!'

So what is a Binturong? Short answer: A long, stocky bodied creature covered with black fur tipped in gray. Small floppy ears jut from their small, rounded faces with stiff, white whiskers that can reach up to 8 inches long! A face like a cat, a body like a small bear, and a tail like a monkey. Yeah, they have tails!

10 Things To Know About The Binturong A.K.A Bearcat (from wired.com)

1. Although the binturong is also known as the bearcat, it’s not closely related to bears or cats.

2. The meaning of the word binturong is unknown.

3. Binturongs are in the order Carnivora, but they mostly eat fruit.

4. They smell like buttered popcorn.

5. Binturongs also make lots of noises to communicate.

6. Binturongs live high in the forest canopy and rarely come down to the ground.

7. They have prehensile tails.

8. They walk like bears.

9. Females can delay implantation of an embryo.

10. Binturongs have a special relationship with the strangler fig, transporting seeds across the rainforest via their scat.

Lastly, for $12 Amazon will ship a stuffed Binturong to ANYBODY, ANYWHERE!


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